Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hit Me Baby, One More Time

So, as my one follower can attest to, I have started and failed to follow through on blogs before. My last effort was valiant - go through my junior high journals, post my entries in all their inanity, and then comment on them as an adult. It was all going so well until I lost track of the pseudonyms I had created and was too lazy to create a character key. That and I now have a kid (let's call her Daughter) who is soon going to be in junior high herself and frankly, living it through her is likely going to be enough. I don't need to dwell on my own personal teenage hell when a fresh one awaits.

So, how to begin this new one? Well, currently I'm helping a friend with a political campaign, and the latest survey we got from one of the local papers is just too much fun to resist answering. I've always wanted to be important enough to be asked to fill out a survey about myself or be interviewed and this will just have to do. So here we go!

1. It's Sunday Morning - what are you having for breakfast?
When I'm a good mom, chocolate chip pancakes I've made for the troops. When I'm a lazy and/or hungover mom, cereal. Maybe a toasted waffle to get them off my back.

2. If you didn't do what you do for a living, what would you do?
Hmm...well, I was formerly a senior communications manager for a large public broadcaster and now I`m a SAHM of 3 who basically subsidizes the government, public schools and several non-profits through their exploitation of my unpaid labour. So, if I wasn`t already semi-retired and volunteering more hours than I used to get paid for, I`d probably actually go back to my old job.

3. Who`s your hero?
My late father-in-law because he was literally the kindest, sweetest, most self-sacrificing guy ever and an example of how far I have to go in my personal development.

4. What`s one DVD you had to buy?
One? Err...I`m not great at self-restraint. Off the top of my head, I`d say I ``had`` to buy Scarface, Sound of Music, Pretty in Pink, Say Anything, and E.T. And that`s not including the ones produced in the last 20 years that I ``had`` to buy to stop someone`s whining at the grocery store.

5. Dogs or Cats?

6. What`s playing on your Ipod right now?
Podcasts from our local university station`s candidate interviews. `Cause I`m deep like that.

7. If you could see one concert, what would it be?
Wham! reunited. As if that wouldn`t be wicked.

8. What`s your favourite meal?
Anything someone else took the time and energy to make for me.

9. What`s your culinary specialty?
I`m Greek. I make good lamb.

10. How do you take your Tim Horton`s?
Double-double. I`m a glutton.

11.Who`s the funniest person you know?
My youngest (heretofore referred to as the baby of the family or BOF for short) who will be the guy with the lampshade on his head at the party in a few years. He also kind of looks like Beaker from the muppets which in itself makes him funny.

12.What`s your dream car?
A pumpkin that turns into a carriage.

13. What`s the one thing you haven`t done that you`d love to do?
Maintain a blog for more than 6 posts.

14. If we`re buying, you`re having...
Coffee. I`ll buy my own lobster and have no obligation to you, thank you very much.

15. What are your words to live by?
Life`s not fair - sometimes you get the shaft and sometimes you get way more than you deserve. It usually all balances out.

I`ll leave you on that deep note.

1 comment:

Snarky Sister said...

Yes - lets try to maintain a blog for more than 6 posts. I think I have the same goal.